Below are two email signature examples for day school and distance education, pleaseCOPYandPASTEas your new email signature template.
- Line 1 – your name in bold, font Arial, size 11
- Line 2 – your position, font Arial, size 11
- Line 3 – your qualifications (if applicable), font Arial, size 9
- Line 4 – new email banner image (this image can be re-sized to where the address line finishes, ensuring they line up)
- Line 5 – Riverside Christian College address and postal information, font Arial, size 10
- Line 6 – contact phone number is specific to day school or distance education…Edit email address to your own… Web address is specific to either day school or distance education… Social media icons for day school are linked to correct accounts and Facebook icon for distance education is specifically linked to their new Facebook page (you may need to add space or take away space between end of the website address to beginning of social media icon/s to ensure icons are in line with address text and email banner image above – as close as possible).
Email signatures can appear different on all devices and outlook has a default setting that drops email banner image quality to 96dpi. In your email signature set up please COPY and PASTE one of the below examples with the necessary key edits made and ensure the email banner image lines up with social icon/s before saving. Delete any old signatures you may have on file.
If you have any questions or need any assistance please don’t hesitate to ask.
Jenny Nehow
Student Services Team Leader
Dip Teach, Dip Bus Admin
Riverside Christian College 23 Royle Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 | PO BOX 2069, Maryborough QLD 4650
Phone 07 4123 1031 | |
Sharon Carl
Distance EducationAdministration
Cert III Ed Sup
Riverside Christian College 23 Royle Street, Maryborough QLD 4650 | PO BOX 2069, Maryborough QLD 4650
Phone 07 4123 5599 | Email | Website
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Comments (1)
the pictures are not showing therefore copy and paste would be unhelpful.